Get Your Songs Properly Promoted And Listened

We empower independent artists to get the appreciation and streams they deserve across all distribution channels available worldwide.

Send your demo

We have a total reach of 10+ million followers

100% Real Fans/ No bots

Trusted by over 2,000 major and independent artists / labels

100% compliance with Spotify’s Terms of Service

We have a total reach of 10+ million followers

100% Real Fans/ No bots

Trusted by over 2,000 major and independent artists / labels

100% compliance with Spotify’s Terms of Service

Every day, there are thousands of new songs being launched. Getting noticed in a sea of other artists doing the same thing is tough.

You love making music. You put a lot of hours into your craft.

The problem is getting the attention it deserves.

You love making music. You put a lot of hours into your craft.

The problem is getting the attention it deserves.

You shouldn't have to struggle to be heard. We make sure your work gets noticed.

Utilizing the only 100% organic and completely compliant playlist network in the world, Explicit Promotions relies on proven digital advertising and SEO marketing strategies to increase artist’s stream counts and build fan engagement within playlists that have millions of active and legitimate listeners.

Our playlists are the same that large-scale labels and major recording artists have access to, however our goal is to provide this same high-end access to the everyday artist at a reasonable price.

Get promoted to millions of followers.
Get promoted to millions of followers.

We listen to our artists and make sure they get heard:

  • You work with us but you remain independent
  • You will be added to a Spotify playlist network with over 10 million followers
  • We provide 100% transparency in everything we do and how we promote your songs
  • You’ll have an artist dashboard where you can see where we promote your song and how much income it generates
  • 24/7 Artist Support / Customer Service

What are artists saying about us

“I use Explicit Promotions when helping with marketing consulting for all of my music clients. We have seen great dividends from their services. Very timely communication and delivery.”

New York

“I absolutely love working with the Explicit Promotions team. They are always very prompt, and provide in-the-moment advice / feedback to ensure you are getting the most out of their services.”

Las Vegas

“I have used Explicit in my past major releases and I am very happy with the results. My project has millions of streams thanks to the push Explicit gave me in the beginning of my campaigns.”

Los Angeles

“I absolutely love working with the Explicit Promotions team. They are always very prompt, and provide in-the-moment advice / feedback to ensure you are getting the most out of their services.”

Los Angeles

How you can start working with us

1. Send us your demo

Send us your demo using the form on the website. It only takes 1 minute. We will have a look at what you’ve created.

2. Listening session

Our team of A&R’s will review the song. We’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours (whether or not the song is approved by the A&R’s)

3. Get heard

We’ll promote you to over 1.000.000 people who follow our playlists (and to our connections with over 10 million YouTube subscribers)



Your success story starts here

Our highest priority is making sure that each artist we work with, no matter how big or small, is provided a targeted campaign tailored to their individual style and success.

It's time for your work to be appreciated and get the streams it deserves. Let us help you get the recognition you deserve.

Send your demo